637 media hits
159 tv services
54 mln ots
+77%  weekly traffic on pet insurance sites


Never abandon us again

How we contributed to the growth of the 'Animal Insurance' section on Facile.it website, by telling the story of the pet abandonment issue that occurred after the pandemic.
2022Corporate Comunication
637 media hits
159 tv services
54 mln ots
+77%  weekly traffic on pet insurance sites


Never abandon us again

How we contributed to the growth of the 'Animal Insurance' section on Facile.it website, by telling the story of the pet abandonment issue that occurred after the pandemic.
2022Corporate Comunication

The lockdown is over, but dog abandonment is not... however, insurance can be the right solution!

3.4 million Italians adopted a dog during the pandemic. But what happened post-lockdown, when they no longer needed a furry friend to go out? With Facile.it, we shed light on the 117,000 Italians who abandoned their dogs, proposing a solution to the feared damage that their presence at home could cause: pet insurance.


During the pandemic, there was a boom in dog adoptions, but after the lockdown, thousands of owners returned their animals to the shelter or entrusted them to another family. The reasons? The complexities of managing the animal and the fear of hypothetical material damages. We shed light on this sad phenomenon, discovering that 3.4 million Italians adopted a dog during the pandemic, and 117,000 returned them once lockdown ended. We highlighted the solution proposed by the online comparison tool against the feared material damages that dogs could cause.


Through an anonymous survey, we found out how many people returned their animals and why they changed their minds. To enhance the dedicated section on Facile.it, we disseminated the most relevant data to a media, lifestyle, and generalist target, creating a buzz on media, TV, and social channels. The news was picked up 637 times, with 159 TV appearances and reaching 54 million OTS.


The PRize 2023

Silver Award Media Relation & Stakeholder engagment category

The PRize 2023

Silver Award Corporate comunication category

The PRize 2023

Industry Award Tech & ICT category


Best European Small Budget Campaign


Argento categoria Piccoli Budget